2016 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and International CoDA Convention (ICC)
Phoenix, AZ October 17-23, 2016
Report from Jack L. and Christie C., voting delegates for
the State of Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Phoenix, AZ October 17-23, 2016
Report from Jack L. and Christie C., voting delegates for
the State of Oregon and Southwest Washington.
This annual CoDA event consists of two major sessions that are scheduled back-to-back. The annual CoDA Service Conference (CSC) is the business meeting for CoDA. Each state and each country can send one or two voting delegates to participate and vote on motions and issues that are presented during the conference. This year the CSC was held from October 17-21 in Phoenix, AZ. The CSC is followed by the annual International CoDA Convention (ICC) which is open to anyone and was held from October 21-23. This event consists of workshops and speaker sessions that are all presented by CoDA members.
It's worth noting that the CSC and ICC are held in a different city each year. This year Phoenix was chosen because CoDA was founded in Phoenix in October of 1986, so we were celebrating the 30th birthday of the founding of CoDA.
This is the second year that we have participated in the CSC and ICC and our experience was similar to last years. The CSC sessions revolve around "motions" and "issues" that are submitted in advance by Voting Entities (VE) and CoDA committees. Jack and Christie represent the Voting Entity for the State of Oregon and Southwest Washington. The "motions" and "issues" are primarily related to finance, procedures, documentation and CoDA literature. The items are presented, one at a time, to the voting members of the conference with time allotted for questions and answers, crafting (editing), voicing "pros" and "cons" and finally voting on the item.
Here are some of the highlights of the CSC:
NOTE: Jack and Christie are approaching the end of their two-year term as voting delegates. Early in 2017 we will be distributing information (via the Portland-Metro CoDA Intergroup and this website) about the process for electing new delegates. There are no term limits, so current voting delegates are eligible for another term (determined by the Group Conscience vote of the Intergroup and Voting Entity). Stay tuned!
It's worth noting that the CSC and ICC are held in a different city each year. This year Phoenix was chosen because CoDA was founded in Phoenix in October of 1986, so we were celebrating the 30th birthday of the founding of CoDA.
This is the second year that we have participated in the CSC and ICC and our experience was similar to last years. The CSC sessions revolve around "motions" and "issues" that are submitted in advance by Voting Entities (VE) and CoDA committees. Jack and Christie represent the Voting Entity for the State of Oregon and Southwest Washington. The "motions" and "issues" are primarily related to finance, procedures, documentation and CoDA literature. The items are presented, one at a time, to the voting members of the conference with time allotted for questions and answers, crafting (editing), voicing "pros" and "cons" and finally voting on the item.
Here are some of the highlights of the CSC:
- The CoDA website at coda.org now includes a "Meetings In Print" feature. What you read here is CoDA-approved meeting literature, shares and artistic material from CoDA members and uplifting quotes.
- The CoDA website includes the Co-NNections newsletter which is being expanded in scope. The Co-NNections committee will be accepting submissions that can be a writing about a recovery experience, a poem, drawing, photo, audio or video (submissions can be made here). Your Portland-Metro CoDA Intergroup will be submitting some of our audio recordings (currently available at coda-pdx.org) to Co-NNections for availability to the International CoDA community.
- Several of the CoDA pamphlets will soon be available for free download (single use only; not for duplication). We'll provide details when they become available.
- Online CoDA meetings are available at onlinecoda.net . These meetings are not new, but CoDA is trying to spread the word about this alternative method for joining a "live" meeting online.
- The voting results for motions presented at CSC are here.
- You can signup for CoDA announcements via email here.
- A new "Group Inventory" document is now available here. Scroll down and click on "Group Inventory Guidelines".
- The CoDA World organization has a financial "prudent reserve" that accountants have determined is higher than necessary and limits CoDA's growth. At the CSC we voted to adjust the calculation for the prudent reserve so that CoDA will have more funds available for operating expenses including outreach programs and expansion of literature options.
- It was announced at the CSC that the 2017 CSC and ICC will be held in Minneapolis, MN (in late October) and the 2018 CSC and ICC will be in San Diego, CA (also in late October).
- CoDA has a new Outreach Resource Guide (including Step Study info) that can be viewed and/or downloaded here.
- A new piece of CoDA literature was reviewed and approved at the CSC. "Working the Steps As A Group" will be available to read and/or download for free (not available yet).
- We purchased recordings from the ICC and will eventually add those recordings to our website.
- Last year the CSC approved a motion to change the numerals on our birthday/anniversary medallions (coins) from "Roman" numerals to "Arabic" numerals. A motion was introduced this year to overturn that decision but was not approved. Going forward, when medallions are ordered by CoDA from the manufacturer, they will be ordered with "Arabic" numerals. For example: A 28-year coin currently reads XXVIII and the new coins will simply read 28. Most voting members at the CSC agreed that Roman numerals are confusing to interpret and that the wrong coins are sometimes selected at meetings. Also, long Roman numerals have to be printed with a small font and makes the numbers even harder to read. The remaining stock of Roman numeral coins in the warehouse will continue to be sold until the supply is depleted.
- Christie C. volunteered to be a member of the CoDA "events" committee. This committee does all of the preparation and execution work for the annual CSC and ICC events and involves a LOT of work. Christie will be in training for the first year (covering the next CSC and ICC in Minneapolis in 2017) and she will be a full participant for the 2018 events in San Diego. Thank you for your service, Christie!
- Jack and Christie thank you for your 7th Tradition donations and for your support in sending us to represent you at the CSC and ICC. We are honored and grateful for this opportunity to serve our local CoDA meeting groups.
NOTE: Jack and Christie are approaching the end of their two-year term as voting delegates. Early in 2017 we will be distributing information (via the Portland-Metro CoDA Intergroup and this website) about the process for electing new delegates. There are no term limits, so current voting delegates are eligible for another term (determined by the Group Conscience vote of the Intergroup and Voting Entity). Stay tuned!