General Info for Audio Recordings
Select desired recording from Audio Menu and click on "play" button. On a PC or MAC, you can download the recording by clicking on "Download File" for the desired recording and following the download instructions (below).
NOTE: Some of these recordings may be available for sale in CD format at your local Portland-area CoDA meeting or through the CoDA Portland-Metro Intergroup (IG). If you wish, you may download the file you want and "burn" (record) your own CD or have someone do this for you.
NOTE: Some of these recordings may be available for sale in CD format at your local Portland-area CoDA meeting or through the CoDA Portland-Metro Intergroup (IG). If you wish, you may download the file you want and "burn" (record) your own CD or have someone do this for you.
Audio Recording Download instructions
- Select desired audio recording from Audio Menu
- Click on "Download File"
- If recording starts to play, hit the "pause" button to the left of the "progress bar".
- Position cursor directly over the "progress bar" and "right click" to bring up a menu.
- From the menu, select "Save As..." (or may display "Save Audio As...")
- Select the folder where you want to store the audio file and click on "Save"