Portland-Metro Intergroup business meeting
Meeting Place: NW Alano Club
Address: 909 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210
Contact: codapdx @ gmail.com (remove spaces in address)
Meeting Type: Business, All members of CoDA are welcome to attend
Time: 12pm-1pm
Meetings are usually held on the 4th Sunday of the month unless moved for holidays.
2019 Schedule:
March 24th
April 28th
May 19th
(No meetings for June thru September)
October 27th
November 17th
December 15th
Meeting Place: NW Alano Club
Address: 909 NW 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97210
Contact: codapdx @ gmail.com (remove spaces in address)
Meeting Type: Business, All members of CoDA are welcome to attend
Time: 12pm-1pm
Meetings are usually held on the 4th Sunday of the month unless moved for holidays.
2019 Schedule:
March 24th
April 28th
May 19th
(No meetings for June thru September)
October 27th
November 17th
December 15th